Wednesday, February 16, 2011

The end of Restless Nights

I lay next to him,
Still breathing, The sweat from my head, pillow seeping,
As exhaustion claims my body,
Heart continues rapidly beating, and it slows with time.
The smell of his cologne, brings me close,
for it's the dose that gives me peaceful dreams,
Knowing he's nearby, practically seals the deal,
To share his dreams; Telekinetic in his way,
His thoughts move me.
Sometimes I play puppet, other times I'm all he needs me to be.
He pulls the strings to my heart; A' la Carte, and explains the agenda that follows,
And me as docile, complys for the right way lies in his eyes
Looking to him for honesty, seeking opinons on what's right for me,
I agree with him, silently.
As our dream dances on Orion's Belt, Inever knew a love that felt...
I never knew a love that felt, like heavens angels, singing a tune unknown to man,
Unknown, but in some sense familiar.
This is the feeling I have rejected to feel,
The feeling that provides so much comfort and ability,
The feeling of intimacy.
And now racing thoughts and heavy eyes are put to sleep,
Because once again,
I am at peace.

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