Saturday, September 24, 2011

My BFF sed I need to write a book. Y? Cuz I jus Tom him about this abortion I had yesterday. Poplin pain killers right now. Shakin my head

Friday, September 23, 2011

It's so funny how highs can get soooooo
Quickly though
Raised in a bipolar nation 
Everything passing by u used reserved neuroes and brain serves servings of left overs saved 
As time has been wasting 
Makes no sense cuz at times the things I do really make no sense 
Tuning out the kids screaming 
My emotions raging, my insides soaring 
My heart bleeding for my own definition of glory. 

What is glory? 
What is commons sense? 

Tell the kids to "shut the Fuck up" they invading my space 
Damn in am 
A mother there r no green eggs and ham 
There is no space to yourself anymore 
It's not all bad though 
I begged and prayed for babies
They giv me headaches and u would love to dose them niquil often but....... I am greatful
I have someones to care for me wen I am old. 
Ok eenuff this is gettin old