Saturday, September 5, 2015


This mornig I don't know what is going on. Didn't sleep till late, and I just wand to lay in bed.Some mornings have to be te mornings for me.
I would've been nice to wake up to kisses on my neck, and soft rubs up my thigh. It seems we only sleep together when he feels I'm just about tired of his shit. LOL SMDH
I am. I wanted ask him before he left to just free me. I know he is not gonna do right. I cater cuz it is in my nature. I like to make sure my family is happy. A pleaser. I get ot from my mother. However I do not want to be submissive like her. A man can just walk all over her.
I told my husband that is a fear. I do not want to be anything like them. I mean I like the things I do pick up, the good cooking, being clean, my Man doesn't hav to go outside our household for anything. But yet I am masterbating. I felt a huge amount of guilt yesterday morning too. I know I am jmping all over the place.. When the big one came, for the first time His name didn't escape my lips. I crave I yearn to be WANTED.
LMAO! When I saw Him, my husband I looked at him and tried to see him desiring me and made myself desire him. I worked at it. My menstral cycle is coming again soon and we have had sex 3 times this month. Its not even funny. No lol. That was work.
Well he came home last night. I can count how many times he has stayed here since we have moved. It's been one excuse after the other always blaming things on work when his ass purposely is cutting his phone off.
Something did seem different about him last night though. He seemed very very tired. He looked also like he lost a friend. LOL Yes that is sad it makes me feel a little good, but then it is aggrivating cuz nigga u round here sad about who and what. Business is hard I know that but he plays just as hard.
He claim he stayin in the house all day today. I know that is not possible. So asked him if he wanted to do this paint thing with me. He sed he jut want to lay dwn all day and rest up. OK That's cool. Really is though.
I know it seems like a lot it is what it is. I layed on the couch wth the twins this morning for a little extra sleep and woke to play a cupl hands of UNO with them. That was fun and then to business. made some salmon patties and grits for brkfst.
Peaceful. Those thoughts above ain't come till he left to grab somethin, and when I called he didn't answer. All of a sudden he calls from a diff number and tells me he got a new phone. YEA Ok. Now I sed last night the only way he leaving those phones out is becuz he has another one I don't know about. Now he cut the family phone off though. SMH
Hate it when ppl think they are smarter than me.
The point has becoming though that I do not care.

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