Wednesday, April 20, 2011

communication is this funny thing
words are limitted, and never quite capture the meaning
my inner thoughts and feelings to give him glimpses of me
well to give to everybody
why does it, i always go back to HE


my inner thoughts and felings
expressing them to even me!
yes i am just a tad bit confusing
you can laugh out loud to that one.

all i ask is for a little compassion
you know taht fairy tale
and happily ever after

life is filled with these menatlly and physchologically

can't get past them.

that leads to the discussion we once had, i mean I and ME by the way,
about being unconsciously,
ok knowingly and religiously commited, to damning the plagued mind to HELL
no release and no outlets
no more trying to not be redundent
never learning from the mistakes that continue to happen
and then we I mean ME keeps regretting the outcome

ok i can breathe,
i look at all these scrapes, scars, bumps, lumps and bruises
i look how a man reaches to make contact with me and i see it coming and the nerves are still wrecked, i still jump and and to think to expect
cuz mayb before it was something
UGH !!! well

learnign from mistakes
there are no mistakes we I mean ME knows right from wrong but still i am soaked and absorbed and found daydreaming
reliving moments past.... and wishing this and wishing tha------t. I sang that out by the way

well isnt this something
i c that i have sed jus a lil too much
this is my other person
that defeatus attitude will kee you i mean ME in an imprisoned and undeveloped point of view.
thinkg of you and me and wanting to go back to how everything used to be and i am not the one to speak only on HE.
time changes people, as people change how others and Me react to them as well

ok nothing more to say