Friday, July 29, 2011

Dear Friend,
For weeks now, House Republicans have been holding America hostage, and
threatening to wreak havoc with our credit rating and our economy. They
have refused to raise the debt ceiling unless their extremist policies are
enacted, policies that place more importance on defending tax loopholes
for corporate jets than on preserving Medicare and Social Security.
Enough is enough. Tell President Obama to invoke the 14th Amendment, to
raise the debt ceiling without Congress, end this crisis, and tell the
House Republicans to go take a hike.
The 14th Amendment to the Constitution clearly states that the validity of
the U.S. government's debt "shall not be questioned." Leaders from
President Clinton to Representative James Clyburn to have called upon the
president to invoke these powers.
Republicans, apparently unable to read, have tried to claim that doing
this would be unconstitutional. But these same Republicans have held
America hostage for too long. It is time for President Obama to move ahead
without them, and use the powers given to him by the Constitution. If the
Republicans really want to take their claims to court, let them. But right
now, it's time to end this long, national nightmare.
Enough is enough. Tell President Obama to use his 14th Amendment powers to
end this crisis.

John L Norris


  1. it's crazy that ppl think that this life is so fair.
    lets talk about also all the othr things that go on that the republican s have so much control ovr.
    how can they deny felons the right to get finacial aid, and increase their edu. leaving the indestructabl nature to build and fester.
    me wrkin for so many years, and not havin SS wen i retire the list cud go on.

  2. If the president was in his second term of office....maybe, but he cant pull that one off now and still be in office in 2013. So the only option is to present a smart plan, have bi-partisan support using a balanced approach, a plan even the most extremist would accept, make the opposer's of his plan look stupid and get his way in the end. After all, we are reasonable people even when we're talking money.
